Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lesson 5 ~ Random Word / Image Association

Random word and images association is basically a method of generating ideas that are unique. From a random word or image, it can trigger other images or words that can be evolved into a new creative idea.

So we were asked to think of something that would give of danger signals to other people in order to prevent them trespassing over an area. Think like radioactive, fatal death if you enter kind of places. Then we were given a random word.


um... doesn't paint such a scary picture does it? But then after applying the random word / image association, I manage to come up with a few suggestions. (Doesn't mean it'll make any sense or be any use at all in the real world of course XP)

Idea generating...

1st idea - Having metal claws attached all over the forbidden area so that no one can enter safely.

2nd idea - Having speakers set up so that they let out very loud cat noises. Hissing, snarling, the works.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Part 2 - Juxtaposition

Then we were asked to write a passage on Love based on "chilli"

(I think my brain's gonna be paralyzed from the cheesiness  ><)

Pelita or oil lamp for the concept of "Life"

An oil lamp is like life
If you have substance in your life, the more plentiful it will be just like a lamp needing oil to continue to burn
Just like a flame, life can be gone in split second by a fatal blow
And even though people may have different cases or looks, in the end we're all made of the same thing

Kitten for the concept of "Happiness"

A kitten is like happiness, sometimes hard to find
But once sighted, can warm a heart to the core
The same innocence as a search for happiness
While cradling it in your arms it provides comfort even if it's just a while

Mortar and pestle for the concept of "Man or Woman"

Mortar and pestle, either one can be the woman or the man
But without each other, they are incomplete
Without one, the other would lose reason of existence
Only together they are strongest 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lesson 4 ~ Juxtaposition

Searched Google for the definition on Juxtaposition and this is what I found

  • the act of positioning close together (or side by side); "it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors"
  • a side-by-side position
and even...

  • A placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity, or side by side, often done in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences; An absence of linking elements in a group of words that are listed together; Two or more contrasting sounds, registers, styles etc. ...
Which aside from the pretentious language, seemed to be clear enough, though admittedly only became clear after a few more re-reads. 

And naturally it would come with several types juxtaposition..
The first being 

Similes-Using "like" or "as". Example, as blind as a bat. This part is pretty basic english essays stuff..

Metaphors-Does not use "like" or "as" but instead comparing 2 things with some similarities. 

Logical analogy-Comparison of the body structure and function of something with another. Example, the bird is compared to the airplane as both can fly in the sky.

Affective analogy-A description of something that is usually animal based. Very straight to the point.

Then we had to do a juxtaposition exercise which involves choosing random pairs of numbers   and creating a something out of the words that matched the pairs of numbers that we have chosen. 

This is no 18 - Flower Wood and no. 25 - Lightning Root

And lastly, no 92 -  Leave Rock

And don't worry about the drawings, they're usually that bad XP
After that we we were asked to draw a combination of two animals. Needless to say, that came out with some... interesting creatures..

So came up with my own combinations, the one on the left being a giraffe + rooster = Gooster?
and rabbit + elephant = Raphant? XD

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lesson 3 ~ Mind Mapping

-A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central keyword or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas. It is a very popular technique with applications across many fields, a useful technique that improves the way we take notes, and increases our creative problem solving. It usually used by individuals and corporate teams for different aims or purposes.

We can use mind map to explore and develop ideas for a specific problem, use it to think, take notes during discussions and summarize books and papers. We can quickly identify, prove and understand the structure of a subject. Mind maps encourage creative problem solving, summarizing information, and thinking through complex or difficult problems. 


A logical mind map, the standard one that most people use either to organise thoughts or think of ideas. This kind of mind map is the one where other related topics branches out from the main topic. This is not so good for creative thinking as we usually end up connecting stereotypes.

An associated mind map is one where even though the topics are linked in a way, it's not really related to the main subject. They are more random and at a glance may seem like it doesn't have anything to do with the main subject.

Some mind maps taken from the internet..

A mind map my friend did for me along with a portrait of me

(I don't really drive like a crazy person :P)

After that, we had to do a mortar and pestle exercise. Throwing away the usual uses, we had to think of other crazy and creative uses for it.

1st idea - 

2nd idea -

And yes, I know the 2nd picture doesn't even look like a sun-dial... so you can stop laughing now XP